F2U Icon Base Pack
A set of free icon bases ready to be colored! If you enjoy this pack, please consider leaving a rating. Tips are greatly appreciated, but the listed amount is only a suggestion. If you do leave a tip, feel free to reach out and request an icon base of your choosing be added to the pack!
You may sell these as color-in YCHs, however please include a credit line, for example - "These are done with free-to-use bases by Phoenix-of-Starlight. Download them here - https://phoenixofstarlight.gumroad.com/l/freeicons "
Currently Includes: Buck, Fox, Pig, Hound, Cow, Cat, Crow, Python, Ceratosaurus, Mustelid, Small Rodent, Wolf, Troodon, Pteranodon, Sergal, Tapir, Beipiaosaurus, Coyote, Beaver, Tenontosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, Budgerigar, Gazelle, Gecko, Horse, Snail, Crocodile, Pug, Austroraptor, Anurognathus. T. Rex, Vulture, Tiger, Kangaroo, Coyote, Velociraptor, Oryx, Iguana. A total of 38 bases!
File Type: PNG
Dimensions: 900x900
AUG 7, 2023 - Added Sergal, Tapir, Beipiaosaurus, Coyote, Beaver, Tenontosaurus. Corrected dimensions on Crow and Wolf from previous set.
NOV 18, 2023 - Acrocanthosaurus, Budgerigar, Gazelle, Gecko, Horse.
OCT 8, 2024 - Snail, Crocodile, Pug, Austroraptor, Anurognathus.
JAN 28, 2025 - T. Rex, Vulture, Tiger, Kangaroo, Coyote, Velociraptor, Oryx, Iguana
*These come as PNG files with transparent backgrounds, so that you can color underneath the lineart in the art program of your choosing.